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"The Benefits Of Drinking Water & The Global Water Crisis"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Remake 4 Water - Support Global Water Day

Patti Davita: Writer - Director - Producer of popular grass roots movie

"Did I say Thousand Island Dressing?" Presents

Remake 4 Water

A benefit movie for the Global Water Challenge!

To get the POSITIVE restaurant movie that has ALREADY been seen in over 176 countries around the world, remade with well known actors and have proceeds from the movie go to the members of the coalition formed by the Global Water Challenge. THIS PROJECT NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!

If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't you're right.

Henry Ford

I know we can! "Let's Do It!"

The water crisis is a global issue. It affects all of us.
Join Project Remake 4 Water Today!

Patti DiVita

My mission is to get my movie
Did I Say Thousand Island?
remade with well-known actors, and to have proceeds from the movie go to non-profit organizations involved in the
Global Water Challenge, which provides people around the world with
clean water for drinking and hygiene.

Why Water?

Because I know what it’s like to live without it. In 1995 I moved into a cabin on the side of a beautiful mountain in Colorado that did not have running water. (I knew this and wanted the adventure of living more like a pioneer.) Years later, after some time living in Ireland, I lived on and off for years in my wonderful camper on a beautiful farm (partially while doing the movie). In both of these chosen living situations, I had to depend on others for water and always felt “rich” on water hauling or pumping days. I was very grateful for the water others let me have, never took water for granted and I still appreciate water immensely.

Because the water crisis is a global issue. It affects all of us.
• About 1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean, safe drinking water.

• 1.8 million people die every year from water-related diseases. Ninety percent of those are children under five years of age.

• In Western United States and Australia, water scarcity affects the public through enforced water rationing and increased costs.

• In 60 percent of European cities with populations greater than 100,000, groundwater is being used faster than it can be replenished.

• By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population could be living under water stressed conditions.

• Problems with previous wells and water aid desperately need attention.

Why a “benefit movie”?
Why not.
• There have been many benefit concerts, and benefit album's and cd’s, for many topics, but not benefit movies. (Except documentaries that are distinctly about the subject matter.)

• Going with the current celebrity trend of donations to charities instead of birthday gifts, why not have them donate their natural gifts of acting to help others.

• In a world that is struggling, compassion, especially from Hollywood would be effective. Imagine one of the most elegant and extravagant industries helping those without even the most basic necessity in life, in a way that benefit concerts have been helping for years.

Why This Movie?
It is about the restaurant business which is a global industry that is very dependent on water.
• This industry, estimated to comprise 300,000 hotels and 8 million restaurants, employs 60 million people and contributes $950 billion (USD) annually to the global economy.
• The restaurant industry remains one of America’s largest private-sector employers with its 12.7 million employees, comprising 9 percent of the U.S. workforce.
• Unicef’s “Tap Water Project”, a US national movement in restaurants during World Water Week, illustrates the relationship between restaurants and water.
• This movie is a great vehicle to enable involvement on many levels. From the large cast to the number of locations, and the potential for a good ROI because of the lack of special effects, sets to be built, stunts, or computer generated scenes, it’s ideal.
“Did I Say Thousand Island?” has a large niche and growing exposure.
• An article about the movie was announced on the cover of USA Today in 2007.
• It was featured on National Public Radio; 2 weekends in a row in 2007 and 2 years in a row in 2007 and 2008.
• Despite the fact that there aren’t any celebrities in the film, downloads are close to 40,000 times in 173 countries and the numbers continue to rise.
• The press release about the movie has activity of over 156,000 reads, not only in the US, but around the world as well.
• This movie is a positive and clean movie that has been seen by people from 15 years old to 85 years old, with positive reception.
• I continue to get orders for the movie, emails of appreciation for making it, and letters telling me that the movie is being used in training and educating restaurant staff.
• Restaurant people are tired of the stereotyping that has existed for too many years.

Why at this time?
The global water crisis is starting to get more attention in the world today.
• The Tap Project was launched in 2007 to help provide safe drinking water for children worldwide.
• On March 14, 2010, Summit the Summit was aired on MTV: About celebrities who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in January 2010 to raise awareness of global water crisis. First time event.
• On April 18, 2010, Dow Live Earth Run for Water occurred in 200 cities, worldwide. First time event.
• Water non-profits are appearing on various social media sites in an increasing number.
• This remake project will not be a one time event, but a continually flowing stream of money (DVD and CD sales and rentals as well) donated to specific non-profit organizations to be used where the help is crucial for survival in many countries.

A natural relationship exists between water and restaurants. No water, they have to close down. This movie based in the restaurant business, has a good story and is very relatable: everyone goes out to eat and millions have worked in the business.
We Need You to Get Involved! "Let´s Do It!"

Water is an important charity because those of us who live in developed countries take for granted one of life’s and the planet’s most valuable commodities. There have already been water wars and they are going to increase in number as the global water crisis continues.

Most of the restaurant movies in the past have fed the negative stereotypes of servers. From the social media, blogs and networking sites that abound, the feeling is that there needs to be a change, and enlightenment about the millions of people in this industry would be beneficial. This movie is a positive look at our lives and has been praised for its accuracy in depiction of restaurant life and the people who live it.

By doing something we already do-- spending time and money going to the movies to be entertained—without having to reach into our increasingly shallow pockets for more, we will be helping others and perhaps even learn something in the process.

It’s amazing how much “star power” can do……

Ok. Let’s do it!

Patti DiVita

About 1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean, safe drinking water.

1.8 million people die every year from water-related diseases. Ninety percent of those are children under five years of age.

In Western United States and Australia, water scarcity affects the public through enforced water rationing and increased costs.

By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population could be living under water stressed conditions.

Problems with previous wells and water aid desperately need attention.

Awareness of water waste will be easily shown in subtle ways.

There are various water efficiency programs and here are just a couple of sites that focus on restaurants and water usage:

Massachusetts, Florida, Texas, Colorado & Arizona

Water wars and water problems are not only in other countries. Ask anyone who lives in Arizona or Utah what water means to them. Jane Seymour narrated a wonderful documentary film by Jim Thebaut called The American Southwest: "Are We Running Dry?" and now there's a website for their mission. "Did I Say Thousand Island?"

was filmed in Colorado and there are plenty of water issues there as well!

Patti DiVita

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